Blog about energy healing

Keep Updated About Reiki And Energy Healing

In the intricate tapestry of the cosmos, our reality is merely one fragment of the vast multidimensional universe. Throughout time, individuals have reported encounters with …

what is TFT

TFT, or “Thought Field Therapy”, is a psychotherapeutic approach founded by psychologist Roger Callahan. It’s a treatment for psychological distress that combines principles from traditional …

It seems like you’re inquiring about how TFT (Thought Field Therapy) can help release sadness. TFT is a type of therapy that combines principles of …

Creating a sense of wholeness and balance in one’s spirit or spiritual essence, according to various spiritual philosophies, can act as a powerful defense against …

The concept of “Retaliation or Interference” by entities in the context of spiritual or energy healers is rooted in various spiritual and metaphysical beliefs. According …

Raising one’s vibration or elevating one’s personal energy to a higher frequency is a concept prevalent in many spiritual and metaphysical circles. The idea is …

Cleansing a home from unwanted entities or negative energies is a practice that is seen in various spiritual and cultural traditions. Here are some commonly …

“Chahal Kaaf” or “Chahal Qaaf” is a term used within certain Islamic spiritual traditions (specifically in the realm of Islamic esotericism or mysticism), referring to …

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